
PU - Sawdust hose 0,6mm

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Tiedot tiivistettynä

A zinc plated steel spiral helix trapped between two layers of crystal clear flexible polyurethane. A medium weight ducting which has excellent internal and external abrasion resistance. Ideally suited for the transfer of large granular abrasive particles such as sawdust, timber offcuts, metal swarf, oil, mist spray extraction, plastic processing machinery. It is suitable for oil and petrol fume. Crystal clear, very flexible.

Koodi Sisä Ø (mm) Seinämä (mm) Työpaine (bar 18ºC) Alipaine (mH2O) Taiv. säde (mm) Paino (kg/m) Kieppi (m) Pakkauskoko (m)
PU-100M10   100 10
PU-102   102 1
PU-127   127 15
PU-152   152 1
PU-160   160 0,7 0,4 1 160 1,160 30 10
PU-160M25   160 0,7 0,4 1 160 1,160 25 25
PU-170   170 0,7 0,4 1 170 1,240 30 1

PU - Sawdust hose 0,6mm

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