AKLL - Male stud coupling UNF
AL - Male stud coupling body
CKL - Male 90º stud coupling body
CRL - Male 90º stud coupling body
MAVL - Pressure gauge connector body
RWL - Kevyt putkipääte ED tiiv. M
SVSR - Bulkhead connection with bspp male body
1280 - counter nut M-thread
AKL - L series male stud coupling
AKL - Straight adaptor NPT
AKLL - Male stud coupling
AKLL - Perusliitin erik. kevyt NPT
AKLLFPR - Male stud coupling with check valve
AKLLFPV - Central lubrication check valve
AKS - Male stud BSPT body
AL - Male stud coupling
AL - Male stud coupling body unf
AL - Male stud coupling WD sealing
AL - Male stud coupling with WD sealing
AL - Perusliitin kevyt sarja M runko
AS - Male stud coupling
AS - Male stud coupling body
AS - Male stud coupling body M
AS - Male stud coupling body unf
AS - Male stud coupling WD sealing
ASL - Welding boss L series
BP - Banjo bolt BSP
BP - Banjo pipe
BTL - Banjo
BUK - Banjo
BUL/BUS - Coupling plug
CASL - 90º - Welding boss L series
CKL - Male 90º stud coupling
CKLL - Male 90º stud coupling
CKLL - Male 90º stud coupling UNF
CKS - Male 90º stud coupling
CKS - Male 90º stud coupling body
CRL - Male 90º stud coupling
CRS - Male 90º stud coupling
CRS - Male 90º stud coupling body
DL - L series straight coupling
DL - L series straight coupling body
DLL - LL series straight coupling
DLS - Kevyen sarjan supistava suorayhde runko
DS - S series straight coupling
DS - S series straight coupling body
DSS - Raskaan sarjan supistava suorayhde runko
DWL - L series straight female coupling
DWS - S series straight female coupling
DWSS - Reducer female joint
EAT - L series preassembly tool
EAT - LL series preassembly tool
EAT - S series preassembly tool
EEL - L series adjustable elbow
EES - S series adjustable elbow
EL - L series elbow coupling
EL - L series elbow coupling body
ELA-04 - Air bleed valve
ELL- L series elbow coupling
ES - S series elbow coupling
ES - S series elbow coupling body
EVL - L-series adjustable
EVS - S-series adjustable
EWL - L series adjustable elbow
EWS - S series adjustable elbow
FKL - L series branch coupling
FKL - L series branch coupling body
FRL - L series branch coupling body
GAIL - L series male stud coupling
GAIL - L series male stud coupling body
GAIS - S series male stud coupling
GAIS - S series male stud coupling body
KORL - Pipe reducer
KORS - Pipe reducer
KOWL - DKO pipe reducer
KOWS - DKO pipe reducer
KVL - Cross coupling
KVS - Cross coupling
KVS - S series cross coupling body
LEL - Branch tee
LES - Branch tee
LKL - Branch tee
LKL - Branch tee body
LRL - L series branch coupling body
LWL - L series adjustable barrel tee
LWS - S series adjustable barrel tee
MAVEL - Pressure gauge connector
MAVELW - Pressure gauge adapter DKO
MAVESW - Pressure gauge adapter DKO
ML - L series nut
MLL - LL series nut
MS - S series nut
RAL - Pipe stud
RHDL - Check valve
RHDL - Check valve body
RHDS - Check valve
RHDS - Check valve body
RHVL - Check valve
RHVL - Check valve body
RHVS - Check valve
RHZL - Check valve
RHZS - Check valve
RWI -Thread reducer
RWL - Female stud adapter
RWS - Female stud adapter
S - Cutting ring
SLL - LL series cutting ring
Suora putkipääte R-kierteellä
SVL - L series bulkhead couplig body
SVL - L series bulkhead coupling
SVLR - Bulkhead connection with bspp male
SVLR - Bulkhead connection with bspp male body
SVS - S series bulkhead couplig body
SVS - S series bulkhead coupling
SVSR - Bulkhead connection with bspp male
TEL - Branch tee
TES - Branch tee
TL - L series T connector
TL - L Series T coupling
TLL - LL Series T coupling
TS - S Series T coupling
TS - S Series T coupling body
TWL - L series adjustable branch tee
TWS - S series adjustable branch tee
USVL - 90º light series
USVL - L series bulkhead elbow
USVS - 90º heavy series
USVS - S series bulkhead elbow
VL - Closing plug
VRL - Male 45º stud coupling body
VRS - Male 45º stud coupling body
VS - Closing plug
VSFD - Shuttle valve with DIN connections
VST - Plug
VST - Plug metric
VST - Plug UNF
VSTD - Hex socket plug BSP
VSTD - Hex socket plug NPT
VSTHF - Hexagon socket plug
WHOL - Banjo
WHOL - Banjo coupling body BSP
WHOL - Banjo coupling body MM
WHOL - Banjo metric
WHOLL - Kevyt banjoliitin BSP uk
WHOS - Banjo
WHOS - Banjo coupling body
WHOS - Banjo coupling body MM
WHOSL - Banjo metric
WSVL - Banjo
WSVS - Banjo
YL - Kevyen sarjan hitsattava läpivienti runko
YL - L series staight weldable coupling
YS - Raskaan sarjan hitsattava läpivienti runko
YS - S series staight weldable coupling