LLV - Manually operated knife gate valve
Actuator adapter DSQ
Actuator adaptor square stainless steel
Actuator installing bracket
AW-VU - NAMUR valves
BKH - High pressure valve with pneumatic actuator
J2 - Electric actutator
J3C Electric valve actuator
J4C - Valve actuator electronic
KANX - Actuator installation kit
KMT-ATLDA - Ball valve with actuator
KMT-TLDA - Brass ball valve with actuator
MT-DA - Pneumatic actuator double acting
MT-SR - Pneumatic actuator single acting
Semi-rotary drive Festo DAPS
Semi-rotary drive Festo DFPS
SHA - Hydraulic actuator
Solenoid operated valve 1/4" Namur Festo VSNC
Solenoid operated valve 1/8" Namur Festo VSNC
SSBKHGN - Korkeapaineventtiili toimilaiteporauksilla, HST
VEGA - Ball valve AISI316 PN140-PN64 with double acting pneumatic actuator
GBF - High pressure ball valve with SAE flanges
KMFL - Flanged ball valve PN16/40
MOON - Ball valve carbon steel
AISI 3-way ball valve T
SSBK3 - Stainless steel 3-way high pressure ball valve
SSKMFL - Flanged ball valve AISI316 PN16
SSKMKL-TL - 3-way ball valve AISI316 with acutator mount
SSKMNH - Sample valve
SSKMP - Ball valve AISI316 butterfly handle
SSKMPE - Ball valve 2-piece AISI316 butterfly handle
SSKMPUE - Ball valve butterfly handle male/female thread AISI316
SSKMT- Stainless steel ball valve
SSKMT3 - Ball valve AISI316 3-piece PN63
SSKMT3-TL - 3-part ball valve with actuator mount
TRISTAR - 3-way valve food quality
KTH - Barrel valve 2"
KTH - Bibcock external thread
MANNCO - Pistol
SCULLY - Säiliöautopistooli
2-Tieventtiili sisäkierteellä
3-Tieventtiili sisäkierteellä
BK3-TL - 3-way high pressure valve actuator mount
BKH-TL - High pressure valve with actuator mount
BKH-V1 - Compact version of BKH
BKHD - High pressure ball valve with DIN 2353 connections
BKHRKLS - High pressure ball valve with limit switch
BKLH-SB - Locking device
SNVG - Needle valve AISI316 400bar
ART-RK - Butterfly valve with limit switch
ATL - Läppäventtiili
ATL-RK - Butterfly valve with microswitches
LPV - Butterfly valve with EPDM seals
LPV - Butterflyvalve with NBR seals
TECFL - Butterfly valve with PTFE coated body
TECFL - Butterfly valve with PTFE coated disc
Jouka-hitsattavat laipat
PC08 - Mini ball valve UK/SK
AIRY - Ball valve with downstream relieve
KHTC - 3-way ball valve vertical panel mount
KM - Ball valve female thread
KMA - Mini ball valve female/male thread
KMKL - 3-way ball valve L-bore
KMKL-TL - 3-way ball valve L-bore with actuator mount
KMKT - 3-way ball valve T-bore
KMKT-TL - 3-way ball valve T-bore with actuator mount
KMKTI - 3-way brass ball valve, T-drilling
KMP - Ball valve with butterfly handle
KMPNK - Ball valve for gas with butterfly handle
KMT - Ball valve brass
KMT-ATL - Brass ball valve with actuator mount
KMT-P - Ball valve with long thread
KMT-TL - Brass ball valve with actuator mount
KMTF - Ball valve brass with strainer
KMTI - Ball valve brass
KMTIK - Ball valve lever
KMTIKL - Locking device
KMTNK - Ball valve for liquid gas
KMTTP - Pallohana toisiopoistolla
KMTUK - Orientable ball valve
NVG - Needle valve brass
PC07 - Mini valve female thread
PC11 - T-valve female panel mount
VENUSP - Ball valve Effebi Venus for gas
Angle seat valve Festo VZXA
Angle seat valve FESTO VZXF
Angle seat valve PN16 brass
Angle seated valve
Pinch valve Festo VZQA
AG-02F - Direct acting solenoid valve 2/2
AG-03F - Servo-assisted solenoid valve 2/2
AG-04FX - Solenoid valve brass 2/2
AG-05F - Solenoid valve for steam
AG-09F - Pulse valve 2/2
AG-K2F - Direct acting solenoid valve AISI304
AG-X1F - Direct operated solenoid valve 2/2 AISI316
AG-X2F - Direct acting solenoid valve 2/2 AISI316
AG-X3F - Servo-ohjattu kalvoventtiili 2/2 HST
AG-X4F - Solenoid valve stainless steel 2/2
AW-VQD - Magneettiventtiili 2/2 0-paine-ero
AW-VQI - Magneettiventtiili 2/2
DIN 43650-A molded cable
DIN 43650-A molded cable with led
HC16 Electric Plug
HC22 - DIN 43650-B connector
HC30 - DIN 43650-A connector
HC30 - DIN 43650-A connector with LED
Solenoid valve membrane kit
VDHT - 2/2 valve 1" NC
VDHT - 2/2 valve 1/2" NC
VDHT - 2/2-directional valve 3/4" NC
VDHT - 2/2-valve 1/2"
VDHT - 2/2-valve 3/8" NO
Check valve PN16 Mondeo Idrja
Check valve PN16 Mondeo Small
Check valve PN64 Mondeo Cromax AP
Disc check valve between flanges AISI316
MS55 - Strainer
MSTIX - Brass check valve
MSTZ - Brass check valve
Pressure/underpressure valve
SS54 - Stainless steel Y-strainer
Swing check valve between flanges AISI316
Tanker vacuum relief valve